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Laurus Nobilis, the Noble Laurel
List of Published Essays

Ongoing editor for The Gramounce Journal

Published writing


Down to Earth: Changing the Way We Eat

for Haeckels' Journal

Between the Cracks: Weeding Out Aesthetics [3 of 6]

for MOLD Magazine [online]

Bodies of Knowledge

for The Royal College of Art, Curating Contemporary Art course

Queering Theory: Queering Conventional Conservation  [2 of 6]

for MOLD Magazine [online]

A Weed by Any Other Name...

The Philosopher's Salad [also on my Substack]

for Tenderfoot

SER RURAL ES MES SEXUAL! Queering the natural, the social, and the lexical  [PDF download]

peer-reviewed for Antennae Journal [issue 63, Queering Nature]

The ASBO Weed, AKA knotweed

for my Substack

Queering Theory: What is Information?  [1 of 6]

for MOLD Magazine [online]

Mould, Mould, and MOLD: An Interview with LinYee Yuan

for The Gramounce Journal


LGBT Kew: A review of Queer Nature

for Recessed Space, the Amazon, and the Amazons.

for my Substack

Disengendering Gender

for SISSY ANARCHY [issue 2]

Weeds and their Metaphors

for It's Freezing in LA! [online]

Not What, But How: When mediums obfuscate messages

On why it's We, not I: Arguments against the anthropocene

Dr. Johnny Drain's Future-proof Foods: How to redefine waste through taste

Food & Gender or 'Epicene Cuisine'?

Let our Ferments Foment us: A radical manifesto

Maddening Mushrooms and Reproductive Politics: A deep dive in to Diana Policarpo's practice

Justin Wong's Fermentative Thinking: How contamination can free the mind

Why Eve Should've Ditched Adam: Witchcraft & capitalism in Mediaeval Europe

Measuring the Earth with Asunción Molinos Gordo

On Why We Should Play with Our Food

for The Gramounce Journal

Decay: A Curative Manifesto

for SISSY ANARCHY [issue 1]

The ‘Chosen Family’ Dinner: A non-normative insight into queer homemaking

in collaboration with Davy Pittoors & Will Martin

Rice: Hegemony or liberty?

Céline Pelcé - A Practice of Impermanence

for The Gramounce Journal

How can we interact with a nature in which we are taught we’re not ‘natural?’

for The Preserve Journal [issue 10]

So... Why Agriculture?

The Bitter Taste of Imperial Legacy

Food as Origin

for The Gramounce Journal

[2022 & before]

#CIRCAECONOMY: United Nations


Internal external: Marcus Coates’ Artangel films in Pimlico

for Recessed Space

A Bite Sized Guide to Queering Consumption

for The Preserve Journal [Issue 9]

The Baker’s Bedroom: An ongoing exploration into queering domestic and consumptive norms.

for Mold Magazine

Agnes Denes’s Wheatfield – A Confrontation and its Monumental Legacy


The Ecology of Dereliction

for Eyesore Magazine [Issue 5]

The Ecology of Dereliction [Abridged]

for Fayd Magazine: Feral Neighbourhoods

Greening the Grey, Bridging the gap between urban and rural

for The Preserve Journal [Issue 7]

The Trouble with Taxonomy

for The Preserve Journal [Issue 6]

Terram Pannis

for Filler Zine [Issue 5]

Familiarity, in collaboration with Jaya Modi.

for The Preserve Journal, [Issue 5]

The F Word - spoiled by our successes, we have forgotten how to fail

for Eyesore Magazine, Quarantine Space

From Kneading Dough to Wedging Clay - how you might discover a new skill by doing what you already do best

for Eyesore Magazine, Quarantine Space

From Kneading Dough to Wedging Clay - how you might discover a new skill by doing what you already do best

for Horrid Covid [Issue 3]

The Importance of Guilt-Free

for Eyesore Magazine, Quarantine Space


© Barney Pau

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