Found, Scrounged, Scrumped: An ecopioracy supper club.
Event listing. Event copy:
"Food is foundational. Not just what we eat, but how we eat it. Yet today, monocultures and ultra-processed products have coopted and commodified how we eat, and food has become a mere afterthought; of detriment not just to our health, but our environment’s too.
For his latest event, Found, Scrounged, Scrumped: An ecopiracy supper club, Barney Pau invites us to reimagine what and how we eat by finding, scrounging, and scrumping as many ingredients as possible. From grapes scrumped from Deptford and green tomatoes scrounged from Dalston, to hops found in Epping and quince scrumped in New Cross; this event will be a celebration of all the foods that can be found, scrounged, or scrumped in our urban environments."